Independent Schools
DonorSearch is the ultimate fundraising tool for Independent Schools. Discover philanthropic patterns, connections, and giving capacities among your alumni, parents, and community members. Leverage DonorSearch’s insights to craft personalized fundraising appeals, engage prospective donors, and secure vital resources for scholarships, faculty development, and campus improvements.

DonorSearch Ai is an indispensable asset for independent schools seeking to optimize engagement data for fundraising. DonorSearch Ai provides insights into alumni, parents, and donor trends, enabling strategic fundraising. Continually learning from your data and ours, DSAi increasingly predicts best-matched prospects, saving time and resources.

For independent schools facing the challenge of engaging and retaining donors, DonorSearch is the solution. Our prospect research software enables you to uncover insights into your alumni and parents’ giving histories, connections, and philanthropic interests. With this knowledge, you can develop personalized stewardship strategies, cultivate stronger relationships, and foster a culture of ongoing support.