Accelerate your Major Gift Fundraising with MISSION CRM + DonorSearch

Major gift fundraisers require a technology toolkit to support research, gather insights, then turn those into actionable asks and moves, and finally securing the gift and subsequent stewardship. In this webinar, we’ll explore what’s available today in the Microsoft Cloud for Nonprofits to support development teams and fundraisers work to secure gifts and in turn drive mission impact.

Additional Resources

Winter’s Deep Freeze Doesn’t Mean Fundraising for Summer and Fall Programs Must Remain On Ice

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Video camera in the background with a profile pictures of Barbara O'Reilly and Cherian Koshy

Rethinking Fundraising: Why Nonprofits Are Holding Themselves Back from True Fundraising Success and How to Fix That

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Surveys Say Young People Want to Give More-Here’s How We Make It Happen

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