Nonprofit Moneyball: Recruiting and Coaching Your Winning Fundraising Team

Good fundraisers are hard to find, difficult to retain, and expensive to replace. What if we took the time to identify the people with the right skills and complementary experiences and partnered them with the organizations that best represented their values and passions, gave them the training to hit the ground running, and supported them with the tech and tools to empower their own fundraising success? That’s the “Moneyball” thesis: By using statistical analysis, small-market baseball teams can change their odds for success by accruing assets that are undervalued or overlooked by other teams. In this enlightening session, Ryan Ginard, CFRE, author of Future Philanthropy, shows us how small to medium size nonprofits can compete for top fundraising talent and boost fundraising results long term by applying the Moneyball principles.

Additional Resources

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