Scoring Your Next (or First) Million-Dollar Gift!

Fundraising practitioners like to talk about several types of impressive gifts: for example, major, principal and leadership. The truth is, they mean different amounts to different organizations and different amounts to the same organization, depending on where they are in their history. With million-dollar gifts, there is absolute clarity on the standard. Being there on numerous exuberant occasions when a small or mid-size non-profit brought in its first million-dollar gift — this is nothing less than a game-changer. It means much more than an infusion of cherished capital to fuel the expansion of good works. The non-profit enters coveted new territory in which it is widely viewed as a good place for other leadership donors to invest seven-figure gifts. The impact is dramatic both internally and externally. Is it possible for your non-profit to obtain its first million-dollar gift? You bet it is! By leaning on the art and science of fundraising, proven principles, strategies, and best practices, new organizations climb this beautiful mountain every day of the year. And we will review how it is possible and do-able.

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