After the Disruption: Returning to Work, Navigating the Transition, and Driving Systems Change

Engage in a candid and thought-provoking dialogue with Jane Park, Head of Fundraising at Catalyst 2030, as we delve into the challenges of returning to work after a disruption while emphasizing the need for solutions that address the root causes. Explore practical strategies to manage change, rebuild relationships, prioritize well-being, and harness technology in the new work environment, all with a focus on driving systems change fundraising. By openly discussing the barriers we face, we aim to uncover innovative approaches and actionable techniques to successfully navigate the transition, foster meaningful collaborations, and advance our organizations’ systems change goals. This session welcomes professionals from diverse sectors committed to finding holistic solutions and fostering resilience in the face of change.

Additional Resources

Reimagining Board Engagement: Why You Must Rethink How You Engage Your Board

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Good Customer Service is Essential, Especially When Buying New Tech

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After the Disruption: Returning to Work, Navigating the Transition, and Driving Systems Change

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