Building Your Ideal Donor Profile

Do you know which donors are “right” for you? If not, you, your fundraising team, and your prospect researchers will waste a lot of scarce and precious time chasing the DOA’s – prospects who are “dead on arrival.” Avoid this problem by building your Ideal Donor Profile. The Ideal Donor Profile is a documented set of guidelines that go well beyond what you can find in a database. Our presenter, Ellen Bristol, will show you how to craft a profile that includes:  The Facts: statistics and demographics describing your ideal donor’s wealth capacity, giving capacity, and other database-able information.  The Values: insights into donor’s giving motivations.  The Danger Signs: characteristics you want to avoid. Comprehensive profiles like this save your fundraising team time and energy by helping them understand which donors justify further investment in cultivation and solicitation. These simple tools help your team avoid wasted effort, yet Ellen’s own Leaky Bucket research shows that as many as 84% of nonprofits fail to create them. During this 90-minute training program, Ellen will walk you through a series of exercises, providing templates and other resources to reinforce the learning. By the end of the program, you will have the skills you need to build your first draft profile – or improve the one you’ve already built. Building the Ideal Donor Profile is one of Ellen’s most popular training programs.

Additional Resources

Listening to your mid-level donors

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