Igniting the Powder Keg: Four essential catalysts to develop a highly effective board of directors

Most boards are sitting on a virtual powder keg of possibilities, yet few manage to effectively “light the fuse” of their potential. Thus, board member’s talent, wealth, connections, experiences and good intentions are never fully realized. This session will focus on four key topics explaining how highly effective boards “ignite” their true potential. You’ll experience how to: 1. Fully engage the board through a potential-filled model using appreciative inquiry 2. Employ a savvy recruiting process to build a highly talented board and a “deep bench” of future potential board talent 3. Embrace a culture of abundance to ensure that the board demonstrates a spirit of generosity in its board activities 4. Employ the board’s fiduciary duties to ensure they become a highly functioning leadership group.

Additional Resources

Starting a Capital Campaign - 13 Steps Your Org Should Take

Starting a Capital Campaign: 13 Steps Your Org Should Take

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The Single Most Important Thing: A Conversation with Anthony Cernera

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Video camera in the background with a profile picture of Howard Lake

Masterminds Live from England with Special Guest Howard Lake

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