What Philanthropic Leaders Will Be Called Increasingly to Do: Absorb Chaos, Project Calm, Give Hope

As trust in institutions erodes, politics further polarize, injustices erupt, social divisions deepen, climate challenges mount and more confrontation creeps into world affairs, we will search for and turn to leaders who absorb chaos, project calm and give hope. We will look for new ways of mitigating disasters, solving problems, creating opportunities and advancing the human condition. The more government falters, the more important philanthropy becomes, at least in theory. However, extraordinary leadership will be required to bridge factions and forge purpose driven coalitions. Jay and Jim will discuss the precepts and practices that will allow nonprofits to meet their rising obligations and more readily fulfill their mission promise, starting now.

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Group of diverse people cheering with hands up

Five Steps to Building Your Campaign Prospect List

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Coins stacked behind cutouts of people

Preparing for GivingUSA 2022

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Video camera in the background with a profile picture of Amy Eisenstien

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